Book Review: The X in Sex

The sex chromosomes — X and Y — have a profound impact on our lives, determining not only what sex we will be but also influencing how we will live or lives. In his book “The X in Sex: How the X chromosome controls our lives” (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 2003, 205pp), David Bainbridge makes the argument that though it is the Y chromosome that determines our sex, it is the much larger and more gene-rich X chromosome that plays the more important role in mediating subsequent sex differences. The book is divided into three main sections. The first describes how a single gene on the Y chromosome (Sry) causes XY embryos to develop as males. The second explains why sex-linked conditions such as hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and color blindness are more prevalent in males, while the third focuses on how X dosage and X inactivation influence female physiology. Writing for a lay audience, Bainbridge makes an excellent job of explaining what is, by its very nature, a complex subject in not only an easily comprehensible but also an engaging manner. The book is highly recommended for all. However, since the field is an exciting and fast-moving one, parts of the book are likely to be overtaken by newer research — I would recommend reading it soon.

“The X in Sex” is published by Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), and is available for purchase from Amazon.

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